Metamorphosis Day 2 – Access Links

A FREE 3-Day Transformational Online Event
What’s Happening Now?

Day 2 is Over!
What a day! Thanks for joining us. We kick off Day 3 tomorrow at 10AM Mountain Time. Click the button below to see the schedule.
2/19 – Schedule of Events

Susan Barnes
10:30 AM Mountain Time
We’ll begin our voyage into the power of rituals with a meditation lead by Susan Barnes. Let’s start the day feeling centered, calm, and engaged. A lot is about to happen.
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Rupert Till
Music In The Rituals of The Ancient Past
11:00 AM Mountain Time
Rupert Till is a Professor of Music at the University of Huddersfield. He’ll take us on a journey into the sacred sounds of our ancestors through his work in studying and recreating ancient acoustic environments like (temples & caves) He even 3D prints instruments from those same eras to make auditory experiences mirroring rituals of the past.
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Michael Ashcroft
The Alexander Technique
12:00 PM Mountain Time
The Alexander Technique gives you conscious control of awareness so you can notice, expand and play in the space between stimulus and response. This lets you get out of your own way, embrace the unfamiliar and make new choices within a space of ease and playfulness in daily life.
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You decide! Open 1 of 4 of the four doors below to explore a specific kind of ritual.

Sara Ness and Jennifer Nicolaisen
Rituals For Authentic Connection
The actions we repeat create the pattern of our lives. How we see each other, how we speak to each other, how we speak to ourselves. In this workshop, Jen and Sara will introduce some Authentic Relating Games that we can use to ritualize connection with ourselves and others in our lives.
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Henry Shukman
Zen Meditation: An Island Away From Chaos
3:00 PM Mountain Time
Henry Shukman will use Zen to help us press the pause button. He will guide us into using meditation as an island of space within the chaotic demands on our time that so many feel in today’s world.
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Lightning Connection
Over 30 minutes you’ll shuffle through 5-6 casual conversations with other curious souls. These 1-on-1 interactions give you the chance to build tighter bonds with some of the other Metamorphosis participants.
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Prize Time
We’ve gathered 100+ prizes from our friends and allies to give lucky winners even more tools and resources to embrace the power of ritual. See all prizes on the registration page.
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Jonny Miller
Nervous System Recalibration Rituals
Jonny Miller will lead us through a set of nervous system recalibration rituals to hone our interoception, our perception of sensations within the body. These practices will help us consciously shift our state to reduce stress and promote deeper well-being.
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After Hours Hang Out
This is a behind-closed-doors hangout for our private community. We’ll share our insights from the day, collect questions for the next day’s speakers, and have some fun vibing before we unplug for the night.
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